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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Grumpy Old Gits in ‘ow much for a cup of tea?’ incident at motorway services

Grumpy Old Gits in ‘ow much for a cup of tea?’ incident at motorway services.

Mrs R and me are on our way to visit the grandchildren. We stopped at Trowell services for a nice cup of tea. It’s an unfortunate name for a coffee shop – Costa! 2 cups of tea and £3.86 later I concluded that the price must include the cost of the cups because there was little value added in terms of service or ambience. Mrs R talked me out of slipping them in her handbag.
I have resolved never ever to stop at Motorway Services for anything other than the toilet.
There are some things that I find to be incredibly cheap though for the moment I cannot bring any of them to mind. …… £1.93 … £1.93…… £1.93 one cup of tea???? I am blogging from the road.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Next time you are in Venice stop by Harry's Bar for a Bellini. 12 Euros and no the glass must be returned to the bartender unless you have a hand that is quicker than the eye.

When you are back in the Colonies try Starbucks if you want an expensive hot beverage. ( the bucks part is a clue )

14/5/06 4:40 pm  
Blogger Nick said...

Renman - it's worth remembering that the only half-way decent motorway services in the known universe is Cumbrian - Tebay at Junction 38 of the M6. Good food & a fabulous (& fabulously expensive) farm shop . .

14/5/06 6:07 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please, don't go all southern on us. The proper word is GET not git.

17/5/06 9:10 pm  
Blogger Nick said...

As in Curse Sir Walter Raleigh, who was such a stupid . . . I suppose? (You're not a scouser, surely . . .?)

18/5/06 12:03 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speatri born and bred, we never said "Git", we always said "get", it means child but more commonly bastard, it is an old verb, to get children, in the bible there are lots of "Begots".I remember a quote from somewhere"He is none of my get".

28/5/06 12:18 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course I haven't lived in Aspatria, since 1945, so I hardly qualify now as a proper Aspatrian. However, I am probably the last person alive, present when they took down the big chimney at No.4 Pit.

28/5/06 12:22 am  

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