'Agree With Everything - Deny Nothing - Embellish All

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Forever Young

It's not that long since I was last refused service in a bar because I couldn't prove that I was over 18. (Colorado Springs, May 1990, as it happens). It was inevitable, I suppose, that the next great landmark of middle youth should rear up sooner and ruder than expected. I went down to Cockermouth today to book an appointment for flu and pneumonia jabs. The receptionist struggled for at least ten minutes with the appointments system on her PC before finally giving me her attention. She looked at me carefully. 'Are you over 65?' she asked.


Blogger Lampy said...

On my first legal drink, I went up to the bar to buy my first legal round, only to be asked; "are you 19" by the barmaid. I got served, eventually.

18/10/05 11:59 pm  
Blogger Viking Longship said...

At the tender age of 30, I was asked for ID to prove I was 18 earlier this year when purchasing beer in a Nordic supermarket.

For somebody that has spent most of his life trying to pesuade folk that I am not in fact 10 years older than I say I am, whilst suprising, this left me with a great, albeit shortlived, sense of well being.....

Some advise for you Nick, perhaps, take it that you seemed wise beyond your years...... Nothing to do with the vanishing hair and the weathered.....................

19/10/05 12:39 pm  
Blogger Nick said...

VL - I too spend years battling with being thought a decade older than I am/was. There comes a point when it's not funny any more . . .

19/10/05 9:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a bag. I used to get "carded" as we say in the U.S. for buying alcohol until I was well into my 30s, but no more. I've been thinking of becoming permanently 49, but then Franklin can be expected to produce a spectacular 50th birthday present, definitely jewelry, so maybe I'll just stay 50. Nick, clearly crack smoking goes on in Cockermouth early in the morning...

20/10/05 12:35 am  
Blogger boudica of suburbia said...

hahaha, i guess its a difficult toss-up between being annoyed and having ones ego boosted. I love getting ID now, its well worth the bashful look on their faces when I thrust it into their hands.


20/10/05 3:51 am  
Blogger Ray and Gill said...

Gill's mother in her early 60's and her mother's sister in law who is a couple of years younger recently visited a post office in the North East where the lady behind the counter asked her if she had brought her mother along! Made her day and her sister in law is still taking the tablets.

23/10/05 8:53 pm  

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